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“Writers-at-the-Farm” is a group of people who enjoy writing for personal pleasure and/or for publication. The writers gather each month to read to each other something they have written in response to an assignment that they chose the month before. The writers write in diverse genres and on various topics, as their individual interests lead them, including poetry, fiction, essay, novel, short story, mystery, romance, nature, memoir, military, children, animals, non-fiction, and others.

This group is not a critique group, but rather a gathering of supportive writers who encourage each other.

In addition to monthly readings, the group occasionally visits—and writes of–places of interest, such as the Michener Museum of Art. It has sometimes worked collaboratively with the Artists-at-the Farm, co-publishing several illustrated anthologies and co-hosting special Topic Evenings for the public, which featured selected subjects, such as Grieving. The group has sponsored Poetry Slams at the Middletown Country Club, public readings at Barnes and Noble, and guest speakers on topics such as Self-publishing, Possible future field trips include the homes of writers Pearl Buck, Walt Whitman, and Edgar Allen Poe.

Interested? Contact: Carol Zetterberg, facilitator (215) 750-3712