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Langhorne Heritage Farm

Langhorne Heritage Farm is located at 222 North Green Street.

Originally named “Save-the-Farm”, our organization was founded in October of 1984. Faced with the potential loss of Langhorne’s last remaining working farm to townhouse development, founding members met in each others’ living rooms and kitchens. Together, they devised an ambitious plan to acquire the property for permanent dedication as a town park.

In June of 1986, the organization successfully negotiated the purchase of the farm from its owner. The park was named Langhorne Heritage Farm/ Julius Lojeski Acres. By securing grant funding from the Department of Community Affairs’ RIRA Program and raising funds through individual donations and fundraisers, LOSI was successful in paying off a $250,000 loan in 5 years … well ahead of schedule! The park was dedicated on April 22 (Earth Day), 1990.

Once Langhorne Heritage Farm was acquired, Langhorne Borough appointed LOSI as its agent to maintain the 8-acre farm – including an historic farmhouse, large barn, a smaller barn, and several outbuildings. Over the years, LOSI has funded significant restoration and improvement of the farm.

Today, Heritage Farm is a serene oasis in Lower Bucks County. It is home to community gardens, an artist community, and occasional concerts..